The Illinois Department of Veteran Affairs is located within the City of Chicago’s limits at the southwest corner of N. Oak Park Avenue and W. Forest Preserve Drive, the development includes approximately 5.5 acres of new building, parking lots, vehicular drop-off, landscaped courtyards, walkways and green roof.

Due to the site’s location, there was limited utility infrastructure adjacent to the project development. To avoid the construction of more than 2,000 linear feet of a Chicago sewer extension, TERRA developed a stormwater management plan that utilizes the site’s existing drainage divides and discharge points. The existing discharge points include an IDOT drainage swale along Oak Park Avenue and, IDOT combined sewer within W. Forest Preserve Drive and an IDNR Conservation Wetland, through connection of the Read Hospital storm sewer network. The proposed development reduces the rate of stormwater runoff and improves water quality at all discharge points through a series of stormwater BMPs such as permeable pavers, infiltration trenches, and bioswales.

LOCATION: Chicago, Illinois

CLIENTS: HED / Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs / Capital Development Board

SERVICES: Landscape Architecture, Site Development, and Surveying


333 N. Green